2021-2022 Press Policy
In continuing our IDEA efforts to combat racism and ableism, DANCE NOW is taking over press in-house and instating a transparent press policy for our 2021-2022 season. As such, we ask that any and all folks that review a DANCE NOW digital or in-person program adhere to the following guidelines:
Acknowledge race/bias as part of their review-- i.e. if someone who is white is reviewing a work by a BIPOC choreographer, they should acknowledge as such. Similar acknowledgement is expected if the reviewer is non-disabled and reviewing the work of a choreographer or performer who is disabled.
If the performance features multiple choreographic works, if at all possible, ALL works should be acknowledged in the review. DN understands that reviewers often deal with word count constraints, but not mentioning an artist and their work is erasure.
Reviewers should treat the art and artists with respect in their language and descriptions; treating their own words as opinion, and not fact; avoiding body-shaming, mis-gendering, and assumptions about cultural, ethnic, or racial backgrounds.
Writers and their associated publications should be open to public dialogue about their opinions and statements AFTER the review is published; DN will speak publicly if we feel that our guidelines have not been followed or if any other problem arises.
If a reviewer cannot meet our guidelines, and see them as a support to our IDEA goals, they do not need to review DN performances.
Furthermore, DANCE NOW will be focusing on the following changes behind-the-scenes as move our press and media efforts in-house:
We will ask artists in advance who they want reviewing their work, and how, if at all. Artists will be included in conversations around press and media strategies for their work.
Research smaller, lesser-known publications that might be more in line with the demographics and communities reflected in the dance community.
Prioritize that reviewers be BIPOC/AAPI reviewers or from BIPOC/AAPI focused publications, especially as we continue to highlight more BIPOC/AAPI artists.
Ask artists if they want to be told about reviews when they are posted, after an event, or at all. We will provide artists press or reviews they are mentioned in per their preference.
Communicate clearly and early our press guidelines and be prepared to engage with reviewers before, during, and after the review process to make sure our expectations are met.
Manage reviewers’ expectations about the type of show, format of show, and audience (i.e. digital vs. in person, live vs. on-demand, festival vs full-length, etc).
Create the easiest access possible for reviewers to events, setting aside a ticket block of ticket comps so that we are open to all avenues of review.
Create the option for peer review, where DN artists or others in the dance community review other DN performances. DN acknowledges this is only possible if we can compensate artists and if artists are willing and have the capacity to write a review and post it.
If you have any questions about our transparent policy, you can contact:
Grant Jacoby, Marketing + Community Manager, grant@dancenownyc.org

20 Years of DANCE NOW
“It is a Beautiful Thing”
ExploreDance.com, 2014
“Winning Hearts, Shooting the Moon”
OffOffOff.com, 2014
“Far from traditional, these pieces took the audience out of their comfort zones, and blindly dropped them off at the corner of racy and liberal”
Broadway World, 2014
“Half the fun… is going in blind and Walking out with a new artistic crush.
The New York Times, 2006
“Always Stellar“
New York Magazine, 2005
“Only Getting Better with Age"
2004, OffOffOff.com
"Simply Put, A Blast”
The New York Sun, 2003
“Fast, Furious and Funny”
The New York Times, 1999
“DANCENOW proves that introducing limitations can spark a wide range of creativity.”
The Dance Enthusiast, 2014
“There is bound to be something delightful, something dark, something borrowed and something blue.”
Wendy Perron Blog, 2014
“Fun in the Dark - DANCENOW at Joe's Pub keeps punching its lines”
OffOffOff.com, 2013
“[Short] is DANCENOW’s winning formula. I’ve rarely been bored at Joe’s Pub.“
Wendy Perron in Dance Magazine, 2012
“A Peripatetic Adventure”
The Voice, 2002
“The Traditional Opener of the Dance Season”
New York Times, 2001
“An Inspired Evening, Representative of an Inspired Festival”
The Dance Insider, 2000
“DANCENOW proves that introducing limitations can spark a wide range of creativity.”
The Dance Enthusiast, 2014
“There is bound to be something delightful, something dark, something borrowed and something blue.”
Wendy Perron Blog, 2014
“Fun in the Dark - DANCENOW at Joe's Pub keeps punching its lines”
OffOffOff.com, 2013
“[Short] is DANCENOW’s winning formula. I’ve rarely been bored at Joe’s Pub.“
Wendy Perron in Dance Magazine, 2012
“A Peripatetic Adventure”
The Voice, 2002
“The Traditional Opener of the Dance Season”
New York Times, 2001
“An Inspired Evening, Representative of an Inspired Festival”
The Dance Insider, 2000
“Nick Leichter and Monstah Black brought it Home – as in there’s no place like it – in DanceNOW’s most recent full-length modern dance musical, The Whiz.”
Culture Blog
“When the piece ends, with a group reprise of There’s No Business Like Show Business, it’s over too soon. And then it isn’t. Mr. Parker appears and, with Jeffrey Kazin, offers a “bonus track”— a marvelous rendition of Old-Fashioned Wedding, complete with tap routine. Then you really don’t want it to be over. And it is.”
The New York Times
"Establishes a level of playful informality that implies the work will tend towards levity and brevity, and thereby perhaps not profundity or deep investment. This is the series’ strength, though. Dancemopolitan is where one can take a dance novitiate, where work is accessible without being dumbed down."
Maura Donahue, The Dance Insider
"What finer message for a happy crowd to take out onto the Christmas ready streets than one of diversity and freedom cohabiting with group harmony?"
Deborah Jowitt, The Village Voice
"DANCENOW [NYC] aims to cultivate a more diverse audience than dance usually draws, in part by using unusual venues. During the shows at Joe’s Pub you can Get a cosmo with your Choreography"
Alicia Zuckerman, New York Magazine
"Perfectly timed .... and perfectly located in Joe’s Pub"
Elizabeth Zimmer, The Voice
“Every year, the extraordinary talent presented at DanceNow NYC's festival reminds us of this fact, short and sweet.”
Broadway World
“Far from traditional, these pieces took the audience out of their comfort zones, and blindly dropped them off at the corner of racy and liberal …. Pure technique and strength were consistently displayed, physical storytelling was painfully relative, stereotypes were continuously challenged... What else could you ask for?”
Broadway World
“It’s great that the presenter, DanceNOW (in partnership with Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater) mixed the generations for their Dancemopolitan series.”
Dance Magazine
"Finding ways to breach the "closed system" of the Downtown dance community has been a specialty of DanceNOW [NYC] since its founding in 1995. "Dance Mojito," the sparkling and most recent installment of Dancemopolitan presented this past weekend at Joe's Pub demonstrates just how successful its strategies are. "
Elizabeth Zimmer, Gay City News
"Doug Elkins’ Fräulein Maria could easily become a holiday ritual for hipsters of all ages."
The New York Times
"Life is a Cabaret ... This is the greatest development"
Dance Magazine
"The events at Joe's Pub have proven to be an excellent showcase for dance as intimate or cabaret entertainment and will spawn an ongoing series of evenings. There is definitely something about a space like Joe's Pub that lends itself equally to ethereal, transcendent, quiet beauty and raucous, irreverent, broadstroked insanity, usually comic."
Quinn Batson, OffOffOff.com
“The coziest, coolest way to start the fall season … there is bound to be something delightful, something dark, something borrowed and something blue”
Wendy Perron Blog
“The much-loved annual DanceNow Festival at Joe's Pub challenges New York’s choreographers to release their inner adventurer and innovatively confront time and space … DanceNow proves that introducing limitations can spark a wide range of creativity.”
Dance Enthusiast